The best Side of avvocato penalista

The best Side of avvocato penalista

Blog Article

Engineer Luigi Vitiello has also played numerous instances the role of technical consultant on behalf of the general public Prosecutor’s Office in fragile proceedings of national great importance in the sphere of navigation regulation along with currently being present with different publications in major-tier Worldwide scientific journals.

Consulenza ed assistenza legale alle aziende for every la contrattualistica, gestione del personale e predisposizione di misure preventive utili advert evitare contenzioso aziendale. GIURISTA D’IMPRESA

They assisted me for a web-based fraud. Almost everything was solved in the very best way. They are pretty Qualified

He has expertise in coping with processes relating to crimes in opposition to the general public Administration, structured crime, economical crimes and against house, both of those in the merit and execution phases.

 Ci riferiamo a tutti i casi di reati contravvenzionali puniti con pene che comportano la reclusione o al caso for every esempio in cui l’alcool check ti abbia “tradito” e ti ritrovi con la patente sospesa.

For a member with the board of directors, in 2016 he was a member of your Unione Giovani Criminalisti Association, in which he studied some comparative profiles on crimes within the context of supranational legal devices.

Avere un buon avvocato penalista a Casalnuovo di Napoli ti favorisce nella gestione delle tue pratiche giudiziarie e ti mette in condizioni di entrare in contatto con navigate here i migliori avvocati della zona di Casalnuovo di Napoli. Oltre a questo acquisirai molti altri vantaggi tra cui: Competenza

Mi piace trovare soluzioni pratiche ai problemi, senza perdermi in discorsi incomprensibili. La mia concretezza ed il mio impegno hanno reso molti clienti pienamente soddisfatti del mio operato.

L’avvocato penalista è un professionista che si occupa di tutti quei fatti o azioni contrari alle leggi in vigore in un determinato Paese e che, di conseguenza, rappresentano dei reati.

He has obtained consolidated experience in helping in extradition procedures, European arrest warrant and recognition of overseas sentences for the goal of their execution in Italy, based on the provisions of Framework Determination 2008/909/GAI.

Our Web site, in truth, was produced precisely to offer on the internet authorized Guidance and guidance in Italy in fewer than 24 hours with brief, exact and professional responses into the authorized issues of those people who find themselves in issue and who choose to Make contact with us.

L’impugnazione della sentenza di condanna apre le porte have a peek at this web-site a un nuovo grado di giudizio: quello d’appello, appunto.

Consequently, it is possible to rely on the guidance of the highly competent professional, who has obtained distinct capabilities in the problem that anxieties you Which afflicts you: our intention is exactly to solve your problem, and to get it done as promptly as you can!

Our law firm in Italy has actually have a peek here been committed For some time to providing legal guidance to Individuals who have troubles in Italy concerning extradition and European arrest warrant.

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